Friday, January 6, 2012

The scale can not measure all the success

I'm down .8 more.
I have never been obsessive about what it says on the scale and I don't think I ever will be. I know that the scale can't measure the success of not giving in and drinking that pop. Or it doesn't know that I have been drinking only one cup of coffee with less cream and sugar then only having water for the remainder of the day. But, for me it has been exciting to see how my small goals have been helping.
Here's what I also know. I could be 120 pounds and look flabby or I can be 125-130 and be toned.
I honestly don't care what the scale says if my body looks toned and healthy.
I lost a lot of muscle from both pregnancies. No, this isn't an excuse because I'm young and I can bounce back! But, physically, my pregnancy were extremely hard on me. The strength I used to have is gone and so is my bubble butt : ) hahahaha
I did luck out and I know this. I weighed less than what I started out at after both babies. With Lily, I just kept eating like I was nursing and gained more weight than I should have after she was born. With Lucy, I was more aware of what was going to happen, so that's where I'm at now. Lucy is 6 months and I'm pleased to say I'm not as bad off as I was with Lily at this point.
I did learn from it and I'm taking the steps to tone up! Also, I realize my body will never look like it did before two children. It just won't. So to say I want to look like I did 5 years ago is an unrealistic goal for me. Doesn't mean I can't look good though.
The scale can say what it wants. I still hope to lose about 5 to 7 more pounds but mostly I want a toned tummy, legs, and arms.

1 comment:

  1. The last two days at work someone baked cookies and they've had peanut m&m's out for all to have. We always have sweets coming in from vendors, clients, etc. And as I fight the temptation I can't help but think how nice it would be if the strength it took to resist such temptations actually burnt some calories. But alas it does not... But it sure would be nice.
