Monday, January 2, 2012

Running in the New Year

Like I have said before I need small goals to have success in life. Big goals scare me and overwhelm me to the point that I forget the main purpose of the goal. My newest goal, that goes along with my 25th year, is to run 500 miles in 2012. Some of you may be going...that's a big goal!! But actually, it looks less scary when broken down on paper or actually when neatly typed on my wonderful excel spreadsheet my hubby made for me. He's great isn't he!

Yesterday, I ran 2 miles so that leaves 498 miles to run until December 31, 2012.

I like this goal. This goal gets me excited and motivated. You know what else? Once I took the terrible stigma I had of running like a freaking machine vs running for endurance and strength...uh, running isn't that bad. Actually, I kinda like it. I like that I can run and not feel like an idiot which I used to because I was in constant comparison with others and that automatically made me feel incomplete making it unable for me to better myself.
But guess what? I'm 24. I'm not racing. I'm not winning a medal. I'm not getting a Varsity letter. I'm not trying to impress anyone.
I'm getting healthy. I'm showing my daughters good habits. I'm gaining self confidence. I'm impressing myself.

Although, I still have the same goals I did in my previous posts on my other blog. I have new, specific goals that fit into the broader goals made before.
Once I get them fully decided I will be making my list on here. I'm looking at my accountability to life in a whole new way. I'm walking away from my poor habits, unhealthy choices, and lack of confidence. Now, I'm running in to the new year. Ready for 25.


  1. 500 miles! That's such a great goal. Do you mind if I take that idea and run with it as well? Literally and figuratively?? :)

  2. Hey, you should come to Colorado and run a half marathon with me in May! Good luck with your running - I think it's great! And I totally get the whole excel spreadsheet thing - Jeff makes them for me often!
