Friday, December 30, 2011

That was then...this is now

I have fallen off the path. Ugh.
I was sick for a week, holidays, and lack of time really put this girl through a loop.
But that was then, this is now. 

Thanks for the support...see you in 2012

Saturday, December 17, 2011

One little goal at a time

I'm back! And back at it!
I have successfully worked out four days this week. Rewind to two weeks ago when I worked out...NEVER.

Tuesday- my trainer aka my smokin' hot hubby had me run 12 mins on the treadmill. 12 mins=gross. I hate's's's my equivalent to uuumm...well I hate it. I think I complained the WHOLE time and didn't even make it to a mile. Really? A healthy 24 year old can't run a mile in under 12 mins? I ran it in 12:45 and it was painful. Ugh. The thing I did like about Tuesday's workout was learning some boxing and kickboxing. Jab, jab, cross!

Thursday- we worked out again. I was dreading it and did not want to do it at all. I don't think I will ever like working out. But, I did it and I am sore. On Friday, my sis needed me to watch Delaney at my parents' house. It was supposed to be a rest day but I was there, the treadmill was downstairs, the girls were sleeping, and I had no excuse to not at least walk! I got down there and thought...hmm..I will try to run. By golly, I ran a mile in 11:45...a WHOLE MINUTE faster than Tuesday. Now, I know there are some people who can run a mile in like 5 mins or even under, but I am pretty dang proud of myself. First, for the attempt to work out. Second, for choosing to run. Third, for beating my time from Tuesday.

Fast forward to today- JJ told me my workout was simple- 45 mins of straight running on the treadmill. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I told him there was NO WAY that I could do that. He said, "Well, now, you have already beaten yourself." While he was on his bike ride, I procrastinated and found excuses to not go down there and run. To be honest, I was scared...maybe of failing or maybe of succeeding? All I was thinking about was running at like a 6 mph speed and how that was going to be impossible. But, JJ didn't say as fast as I can, he said, "Shoot for endurance." I can't explain it, but my mind automatically goes for the "big goals" not the "little goals."  I look at not running a mile in like 6 mins the way my fellow crazy, good CC runners did as a huge failure. Keep in mind...I haven't ran for longer than 30 mins since Sophomore in HIGH SCHOOL!! During this year of bettering myself, I have decided to focus of the little goals.
My first little goal that I didn't know I would accomplish until it happened- beating my previous mile by a minute. : )
Now back to that 45 mins on the treadmill. I got down there and I was throwing myself a pity party down there. I'm sore, I can't do this, 45 mins?, I hate running...etc. I pressed that 3 mph button and I started at a small, slow pace. You know what I found? That was harder than running at like a 4 or 5mph pace because it was almost like I was forcing my body not to run. I kicked it up a notch and I stayed at a good 4 or 5 during most of the run. It got to be about 20 mins into the run and I wanted to quit so bad. This was grueling. I put my sweatshirt over my time and distance. I didn't want to look at those seconds just slowing turning into minutes. I finally understand what it means as a runner to push through the wall.
At one point, I was running at a 7mph. It wasn't for very long (maybe a minute here and there) but I felt myself wanting to crank it up. JJ came down to check on me knowing my time was about up and I wanted to keep going. DID YOU JUST READ THAT? I WANTED TO KEEP GOING!
And I did...for 15 more minutes than was requested or required of me. I am beyond proud of myself.
I need to quit comparing myself to the CC runners in knew in high school and I need to realize that speed isn't my issue. It is my mental stability and willingness.
I like the little goals that lead to the big goal- a better me at 25.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Run baby run

I am going to start off by taking full responsibility for slacking off in cross country in high school. However, maybe I would have tried a little harder if all the focus wasn't on how amazing our varsity team was. Don't get me wrong, they were amazing. Cross country made me be involved and create friendships I may have never had in high school i.e. my two favorite Annies (T and L). Only problem is, I was never able to better my talent because no one cared to coach me or show me that I was COMPLETELY RUNNING IN THE WRONG FORM. Which ultimately, led me to have a completely jacked up knee...which will just give out at random or my knee cap will lock but, my leg still's the most painful thing and pretty disgusting feeling even to think about.
I will never forget the first time JJ and I went to run at the track before our wedding. He said to me, "Why are you running like that?" I said, "Huh? What do you mean....I ALWAYS run like this?" He said, "Well, no wonder your knee is all jacked aren't running right." I was flabbergasted...I had NO idea what he was talking about or that there was a "correct form" to running. He told me, "Babe, you are just pounding your feet into the ground, you need a little bounce..." So he shows me the right way, and I felt like a complete idiot out there telling my body to do something it was never used to. Here I was trying to impress my future hubby that I could run with the best of them...turns out...I'm a klutz. Okay, well I'm still a klutz, but I wasn't aware of it until JJ lovingly pointed it out.
Yesterday, was day two of the "body by JJ" as my Mom likes to call it workout. He had me running on the treadmill, in the right form, and it was hard. I'm not going to was hard. I literally have to tell my feet where to go and tell my back what posture it needs to be in. It feels a little ridiculous. But, like I said, I am determined to better myself. I ran for 12 mins straight...HELLO...12 MINS!! And! I probably could have gone more, but JJ wanted me to focus on the task and not over do it. This from a girl who would run 5 mins. and say..."ahh, screw it!" I told my Mom that if they weren't there I would have given up already.
You know what else I learned yesterday that I NEVER knew. If you have a warm up that makes you exert a lot of energy and really focuses on your core...then you have A BETTER workout then if you just started cold turkey. HELLO!!?!?!? Did I miss this somewhere in my life? Ugh. This is why I love my husband...every day or almost every day I learn something I didn't know.
I felt terrible about my lack of strength during the workout. I feel so old and weak...18 months out of two years of puking and being pregnant really did a number on my muscles. But! Not using this as an excuse and I am going to try to get better.
I love JJ for his patience of my mom and I whining. Next workout is Friday...I will let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Half of 50

What led me to the start of this blog? I will be 25 in March. Half of 50 (ugh)
I want to keep this separate from my other blog where I discuss my girls and stories about them which was the original purpose. This blog is going to be my accountability to a recent post where I decided that I am getting off the sidelines of life and I'm going for it. JJ is on board with me. He will be 35 in October and we have decided to step it up.
I have accomplished marriage, a new home, two babies, and a whole new career plan from the age of 21 to 24. 25 is my year...I can feel it. Okay, as if, those last four things weren't "my years" but you know what I mean. Well, at least I think you do?

JJ and I made the decision, God willing, that our family is complete. So, there's no better time than now to start our better lives together.
The great news? We already started the "work out" regiment. I am sore and not looking forward to it, but the best part...I have JJ beside me. He supports me by being what I call "lovingly tough on me" and he doesn't let me say, "I can't."
I have a million goals for myself this coming year, but I have a problem of planning things out and expecting immediate results. I could list them out...and I did list a few in that post, but the main goal- Be the best version of myself not only for JJ and my girls...but for me. This means physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and any of "ally"s you can think of!
I need to be accountable and this seems like the only thing that is going to keep me from eating an entire roll of cookie dough because I'm bored.
So here we go...journey has started.