Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A little upkeep and research

Guess what?
I'm down another pound!

My biggest challenge...pop. I love it...I love Coke from a can and I truly crave Mountain Dew in a can, from the fountain...actually..from the bottle too. Ugh. It gets me every time.  I'll be honest. When I go out to the grocery store or Target, I reward myself with either a pop or sometimes a candy bar. My reasoning you ask? Getting two children out in the cold to go shopping for two dumb things we have to have. But, yesterday, I talked myself out of it. My logic? have to run 30 minutes on the treadmill to burn off just this 20 oz of pop. Also, why in the hell do I need a reward? Ha! Honest answer: SOMETIMES I NEED IT!!
I've just decided to look at it from another angle. I'm rewarded by being able to go to the store, buy the things I need and WANT, and I'm burning calories toting those two little munchkins around.

Today, I'm in my knee brace. My knee is killing me. This is not what I envisioned on just the fourth day of my new plan, but I could sit here and pity myself. OR! I can look at it like this...I am probably 7-10 pounds over what the ideal is for my height. Imagine if I was 15 to 20 over what I am and how much greater that would harm my knees. So, I am gonna pop some Advil (which I would rather fight through the pain than take a pill) Actually, I kinda have this irrational fear of pills. I hardly ever take them. If it recommends I take two for pain, I only take one. Why? Because, I just imagine them floating around in my stomach never leaving. It's weird, I know. I just don't like to take pills. But, I want to exercise and I know one Advil will help.

Also, one of my goals was to do a little better job on upkeep of my appearance. I'm not the girl who never goes out in public without makeup on. (Nothing against those girls either) But, because I just know if I get ready for the day I will feel a little bit better about myself. So, my wonderful hubby got me professional teeth whitening for Christmas. Today, I am getting the impressions for the trays. I'm stoked! This isn't something I would have ever bought myself but JJ knew I really wanted it done. Honestly, I truly think I deserve it. Pregnancy did a number on my teeth. I have thrown up 18 months out of the last 36 months. So...I'm doing this for me!

Small goal=big goal. I am researching on how to grow a garden. I'm excited about this. VERY. I want to be able to walk into my backyard, get the spices/veggies I need for my dish and enjoy a healthy meal with my family. My brother said this the other day and it just adds more onto why I want to the power to have food in my backyard:

"It's crazy that all we needed for nutrition was given freely by God to the world He created, 
yet now you have to pay an arm and a leg just to get something that isn't pumped full of 
stuff your body should never have to process."

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